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Ifriqya Online Directory

Discover our members, comprising Arbitrators, Mediators, Experts and Tribunal Secretaries, renowned for their expertise in international dispute resolution in the Middle East, Europe, and North Africa.

IFRIQYA Arbitration & ADR experts

Our platform is designed to help you find qualified Arbitration & ADR experts in North Africa.

Meet the Experts

Providing the Highest Quality International Arbitration Legal Representation, regionally.

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Sami Houerbi

Sami Houerbi

Counsel & Arbitrator
Sana Belaïd

Sana Belaïd

Arbitrator & Mediator
Ahmed Ouerfelli

Ahmed Ouerfelli

Counsel & Arbitrator
Aïcha Brahma

Aïcha Brahma

Counsel & Arbitrator
Brahim Mouelhi

Brahim Mouelhi

Arbitrator & Mediator
Chiraz Abid

Chiraz Abid

Counsel & Arbitrator
Yosr Bouassida

Yosr Bouassida

Tarik Mossadek

Tarik Mossadek

Arbitrator & Mediator
Selma Baccari

Selma Baccari

Sabrina Aïnouz

Sabrina Aïnouz

Counsel & Arbitrator
Kamal Sefrioui

Kamal Sefrioui

Counsel & Arbitrator
Rawdha Hidri

Rawdha Hidri

Tribunal Secretary
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